EU subsidies


US Embassy in Warsaw





MatrixX 1.3NC


In 2024, U.S. embassies around the world organized celebrations to mark the 248th anniversary of the independence of the United States. In Warsaw, the U.S. Ambassador hosted a reception at the Ambassador's residence, emphasizing the importance of technological cooperation between Poland and the U.S. The theme was "Silicon Bridges: Embracing Tomorrow's Technologies," and the event included presentations of innovations from American companies operating in Poland, such as Meta, Google, and Microsoft. With nearly 2,000 guests invited to the ceremony, a challenge arose - how to relieve the Ambassador of greeting them at the entrance to the residence?



The hologram of the US Ambassador to Poland, Marek Brzezinski, turned out to be the perfect idea, welcoming guests, inviting them to the event and talking about important issues concerning Polish-American cooperation and relations. To achieve the best possible effect, we used one of our flagship holographic solutions, the Ledholo Holographic Human, with a Ledholo MatrixX 1.3NC.72 holographic projector and a Bose S1 Pro+ sound system. To create the 3D holographic content, we used a video recording of the character, which was processed to obtain the highest quality of the holographic effect.



The hologram of the US Ambassador to Poland, which greeted guests entering the event, was both a huge surprise and a pleasant surprise, which perfectly matched the theme of the ceremony. Participants eagerly took pictures with the hologram and listened to the American dignitary with unconcealed surprise and admiration.

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